Dr Valenti, is an award-winning sustainability practitioner with substantial experience in strategic corporate engagement and innovation.
He has worked in a range of senior management positions for more than 30 years, creating and executing inclusive growth initiatives and directing exciting collaborative projects. He has successfully completed high-profile projects on sustainability and climate change for the Scottish Government. Including a secondment at Scottish Enterprise as Head of Climate Enterprise and strategic lead for COP 26. Dr Valenti is Director for NetZero at the South of Scotland Enterprise and an avid ambassador for innovation to help tackle the climate emergency.
During his 17 years at SEPA, Dr Valenti held a number of important posts. He co-founded the acclaimed 2050 Young Leaders Climate Group and was a key contributor to the creation of Scotland's 2020 Climate Group. He established Scotland’s Vacant and Derelict Land taskforce in 2018 to change how Scotland deals with its industrial legacy of land to encourage innovative approaches to make land productive for communities and for commerce.

Tony Kane, Autonomous iOt’s Executive Chairman is pictured welcoming Dr Valenti to the board. Dr Valenti is delighted to join the Autonomous iOt Board of Directors and said "It's businesses like Autonomous iOt that are leading the charge for turning our climate emergency into our climate opportunity." It is innovation that will help us address the climate challenge and a relentless drive to develop practical solutions to take us to Net Zero."